Support Materials
Check out our downloadable PDF's which include,
an AudioBook Support, and
a BookClub Support Guide (English and Spanish)
Audio Book Supplemental Materials
Enhance your listening experience with our companion PDF, packed with all the essential materials you'd find in the physical book. Perfect for listeners who want to fully engage with the content in visual form. Click here to download and explore more.
Please click the PDF below to access and download the supplemental materials accompanying the audiobook, which includes the following elements:
1. Map of the fictional property.
2. The Orchid's Teachers and Healers
3. Guest information Chart
4. The Spectrum of Inner Growth chart
5. Tarot Cards
Book Club Support Guide
Click on the pdf below to access and download the English Book Club Support Guide which includes the following elements:
Carefully crafted questions to spark deep and engaging conversations about the book’s themes, characters, and your personal reflections.​
Unique tools and exercises inspired by the book, and designed to deepen your understanding and connect more intimately with the story's themes.
Virtual Q&A sessions with the authors, providing a platform to discuss the novel, delve into its nuances, and answer any questions you may have.
Printable version of The Orchid's Spectrum of Inner Growth:
Guía de apoyo para Club de Lectura
Haga clic en el PDF que aparece abajo para acceder a la Guía de Apoyo para Clubes de Lectura en español, que incluye los siguientes elementos:
Preguntas meticulosamente elaboradas para suscitar conversaciones profundas y cautivadoras sobre los temas, personajes y sus reflexiones personales del libro.
Herramientas y ejercicios únicos inspirados en el libro, diseñados para profundizar su comprensión y conectar de manera más íntima con los temas de la historia.
Sesiones virtuales de Preguntas y Respuestas con los autores, proporcionando una plataforma para discutir la novela, explorar sus matices y responder cualquier pregunta que puedan tener.
Versión imprimible del Espectro de Crecimiento Interior de The Orchid.